Wordnik API Support

Need support for the Wordnik API? Check out these resources.

Basic Support
Service Outages

Check status.wordnik.com for service outage information.

Support Resources

We encourage you to use our Google Group for general support.

You may also find the wordnik tag on StackOverflow useful.

If you have contributed an answer on StackOverflow or in our Google Group, we may reach out and offer you Wordnik stickers as a thank-you. :) If you don't hear from us, please email us at apiteam@wordnik.com and let us know!

Support Channels

The fastest way to reach support is to email us at apiteam@wordnik.com.

We do not currently have a public Slack or Gitter channel.

We can no longer provide support via Twitter.

Paid Support

We offer limited short-term paid support contracts. For details, email us at apiteam@wordnik.com.

Bug Bounties

Unfortunately, as a small nonprofit, we are unable to pay bug bounties. We welcome all bug reports (please email us at apiteam@wordnik.com), and we are happy to send reporters Wordnik stickers!